Sunday 9 April 2017


I see most of the people spending a huge amount of money to cover themselves with patches of makeup to hide their spots or their acne. Just tell me why? Are you here just to wear makeup and hide your original face? Tell me do those things even matter? You are who you are and you have to face it no matter what! Do you think by hiding those little spots you become flawless? Then my friend, you are absolutely wrong. You are in this world for a reason and there's lot more to do in here than regretting about not having a perfect body, skin tone or a clear face. You have a lot to achieve in your life. Your dreams are waiting for you to work hard and achieve 'em. Stop stressing about how fat you are or how dusky you are. If you want to eat that cupcake just do it,if you want to swim then just jump in the pool without thinking twice. Enjoy the way you are because there is no one like you. Don't you think it's an amazing feeling realizing that you are unique and there is no one like you? Accept your flaws and feel proud about them. Don't waste your time on useless stuff. You are perfect the way you are,  no amount of makeup will give you confidence if you think you lack in something. I know people  are gonna say bad stuff, bully you, but are you here to impress them? So don't you dare listen to them. Be yourself always, embrace your weirdness. We only live once, sorry to be blunt about it, but today we are alive so let's act like it. be the hero of your life.
P. S: I have an exam tomorrow, and this is what I'm doing. I don't know if it's just me or happens with y'all, I get a lot of thoughts before or during the exams than in my leisure time. Please tell me how you felt about the post. I'll be waiting for your feedback. Have a great day :) 

Friday 29 July 2016

Do not Pokémon go and drive.

Hi everyone, first of all thank you all for your support,the response I got for my last post was insane which made me write more.
Comming to this post, it is about a trending game called "Pokémon go", I gathered some information about it and wanted to share with y'all because, why not?, hope you all like it.

 On a partly cold Sunday I wake up early in the morning grab my smartphone, power bank, and my headphones to step out of the house, and that's when my mom asks me questions about where I'm planning to go this entry because she very well knowns that I'm a lazy bug, and won't move out of the couch until it's really important (specially on Sunday's)
She says in a half sleepy voice "where are you heading this early in the morning? I didn't know you were someone who is interested in fitness and stuff"
And I say spontaneously "I absolutely have no interest in stuff like that, all I'm doing is Pokémon going"
As my mom doesn't really know much about what the new game is about, she asks me " what exactly is it!? "
I say to her wearing my shoes" it's not just another game, it's an augmented reality (AR) game, which is developed by the American software company Niantic, which managed to drag all the geeks and freaks out of their houses laying down lazily in the couch in pajamas with lots of junk food and cola around them. It seems that there are almost about 30 million daily active users of this game from Minnesota to Melbourne in just within 3 weeks of its launch, this game has beaten tinder and twitter in app downloads. It's launcher Nintendo's market capital has doubled to $42 billion(approx RS.2,823,552,900,000) in just 7 days, which makes it more valuable than Sony. Apple has made about 3 billion dollars this year through app downloads"
"But what makes the game so special"she asks out of curiosity
"basically the game is about a Pokémon trainer(user) who will be hunting for the Pokémon characters, which you'll find as you move from place to place, the game uses your phones GPS system and shows you the way with the help of Google maps, it will also need Internet connection and your phones camera. The game makes it's users to go to real locations and explore the place you live, not just sit back on a couch gasping at the screen, which makes it even more special and exciting"i say
"that's really cool! But how do you play the game? "she asks
" The concept of the game is pretty simple which stays true to it's tagline "gotta catch 'em all", your aim is to capture all the 151 1st generation Pokémon characters with the help of Pokéballs which you'll be having with you. All you gotta do is swipe the Pokéball onto those little monsters and they'll be caught. If you run out of your balls there are Pokéspots which are the places where the player goes to get more boosters. And when you reach a certain level, there will be battles happening at the Pokégym and victory will be decided based on the power of Pokémon. The only way to make a Pokémon stronger or to help it evolve is to catch more of them and fighting gym leaders "I say ready to jump out of the house.
As I step out of the house my mom comes behind me asking me to wait for her to get ready and to install one in her phone also.

Thursday 9 June 2016


World around full of flaws,
Whose up to listen to laws?
People are getting rich in poverty,
How pity the world is corrupt
Bad doors are open all wide,

Wrong is right with money and not faith,
And the right is just a might.
With people lacking in values and morals
Good is washed off long ago,
And true, this possition sure to prolong.

How pity,the right has no voice,
And the weak dont have a choice.

We need someone to change this mess,
To abolish bad being a  boss,
Waiting for the boss to sit here!
Knowing all the facts we keep calm,
Till thousands killed and lakhs explored,
Waiting for the boss we sit here!

Why cant it be you?
you know the laws and loss do eradicate all the flaws! 

Thursday 12 May 2016


we all have memories in our lives and i started writing this just to let you know my views, thoughts and feelings. I will be writing on childhood memories and draw you through nostalgia.i'll be sharing my views on food, travel, daily like, friendship and brag about my obsession with batman.HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT. please give your FEEDBACK!!